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Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at
Fandom: Laurie J. Marks' Elemental Logic series
Relationship: Emil/Medric
Rating: Teen and up
No warnings
Published 2021-11-20 as a treat for the Yuletide exchange
Words: 100

this country of original fire

Parallel lines, Medric once called them. They have little time alone together, even less when they’re both awake. Medric takes long night watches in Travesty, easing into their bed shortly before Emil awakens.

Strangers think Medric is mostly fluff, consumable fuel for an occasionally useful fire. Few outside his family understand that he is steel, a brazier holding a steady flame. Emil takes strength, courage, insight from all their family, but when his own flame gutters low he returns here.

“Stay with me,” says one of them, who knows which. Parallel lines make exception and meet; a fire is relit.


Title from Mary Oliver's poem "Humpbacks."

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